Monday, July 15, 2024

NomadRichardsons 2.0

Welcome Back to our Blog!

Parker and I are fulfilling our dream of traveling the world with our kids!  For the next year or so, we will be home/travel/world schooling Kaia and Cruz.

This blog was created during our first trip around the world, in 2010 and 2011. It was a simple way to keep in touch with our family and friends. So we thought we would get it going again. 

You can read through our last trip. There is also a link to our Trail Journal of our 2,174.1 mile thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.

We have packed up our lives in Texas. This past school year, Kaia (11) completed 5th grade and Cruz (9) completed 3rd grade. They are the perfect ages for long term travel: before she starts middle school and gets too involved with friends/activities, and while Cruz is old enough to keep up and enjoy the demands of the road. This is the perfect window for our family and we are going for it.

Our plan is to show the kids some big landmarks and then stay for a few months in one country. Our itinerary for 2024: New York City, London, Paris, Spain, Portugal, Egypt and then the Philippines. We will do a quick tour of NYC/London/Paris. Then we will make our way to southern France to begin our Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. We are walking 500 miles from Southern France and Northern Spain. We will be giving ourselves two months to complete this walk. After Spain, we will make our way to Portugal, Egypt and finally the Philippines to visit my family for the rest of the year (October/November/December). While we're in the Philippines, we will  see how everyone is feeling and assess if we need to adjust how we are traveling. Our general itinerary for 2025: Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan and then Central/South America. We will post on our blog maybe once or twice a month. 
Our goal is to teach Kaia and Cruz how to confidently move through the world. We are also looking forward to seeing the world through their eyes.