Saturday, December 26, 2009

White Christmas/Blizzard

A white Christmas in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Actually we had a blizzard on the 24th and Oklahoma declared, a State of Emergency. Woke up to 2 feet of snow.

Parker and I took the opportunity to use the weather to test out our gear. We geared up, threw on our packs and walked the 3 miles to my sisters house. It was pretty tricky with the ice but enjoyed the exercise. Only one person asked us if we needed a ride. He looked confused when we told him we were just out for a walk. The rest of the vehicles waved but could not figure our what we were doing out there. We feel pretty good about our gear.
Christmas lunch dragged on all day and into the night. We had a snowball fight, played dress up, played jenga and had a High School Musical DDR dance off!

We are so sad to have missed Christmas with the Richardsons in Dallas today due to the road conditions. We will miss you and love you!


  1. Yeah!!! Cool blog. Very excited to keep up with everything. See you in Singapore!! Love you both - Amanda

  2. I made it to Tulsa but John didn't make it until Christmas Day. What a ton of snow! I talked to Amanda yesterday, sounded like she had a great Christmas.

    I hope you have a wonderful trip- I found you on Spot Adventures- I will be following your trek!! Love you- Sandy

  3. Thanks Guys! Looking forward to meeting up with you out there! C+P
